For babies with a bald head up to 6cm long hair. If your baby is blessed with a mop of hair from birth, then you will need the Happy Mini Brush or our Sensory brush.
The Happy Baby Brush has been designed by us to be effective on a baby's hair to actually brush it. We found that regular baby brushes (the blonde ones) are usually goats hair or blonde boar hair and while they are soft, they just rub the head. Brushing needs to actually move the hair and gently massage the scalp. Our baby brushed does this. Also, we made our bristles black for two reasons. Firstly, you actually want to see that the brush is working that its picking up dead skin cells off the scalp and cradle cap and secondly, we wanted people to know that this brush isn't like any other, and that its part of the Happy Hair family of brushes.
On a very personal note, we also wanted to create a brush that your family can keep. Our Harwood family has 'the baby brush' which our mother Cath bought 40 years ago when Jen was a baby and it has been used on all the new babies into our family. So far ten have had it and we are excited that another one is about to.
Our baby brushes are animal product free, cruelty free and therefore vegan.